V41A Bucking Bar
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Dense, hardened steel alloy Polished work faces Radiused edges and corners
Designed to absorb the thrust of the rivet hammer operation and dampen the vibration simultaneously. Work faces may
be re-polished many times for long use without impairing the function. Provided with 'soft' (in fact, hard but radiused)
corners and edges for comfort and ease of handling. Many hundreds of forms and weights of bucking bar have been
described and marketed over time, as a result of the impossibility of covering all the very many awkward locations and
geometries likely to be encountered, and it is not practical to show all of them. The present selection should be found to
resolve the majority of jobs satisfactorily, but others may be provided on request.
- Special bucking bars and dollies may be readily manufactured to order.
A full specification and/or detail drawings should beprovided. The customer will
be responsible for ensuring the suitability of the ordered product for his particular application.
Because of the high weight/value ratio of V41 tools, carriage may be charged even in circumstances
where other products would be carriage free.