291B Solid Carbide Drills (Fractional)

In stock
Parallel Shank ASA Length                          Micrograin VHM                            as Jobber standard
118° point h8 diameter tolerance Right hand cutting

Bright ground finish
Grouped product items
Product Name Diameter Flute Length Overall Length Qty
291B 3/64 Solid Carbide Drill
5 in stock
3/64 3/4 1,1/2
291B 3/32 Solid Carbide Drill
12 in stock
3/32 1 1,3/4
291B 1/8 Solid Carbide Drill
Out of stock
1/8 1,1/4 2
Out of stock
291B 5/32 Solid Carbide Drill
4 in stock
5/32 1,3/8 2,1/2
291B 3/16 Solid Carbide Drill
1 in stock
3/16 1,5/8 2,3/4
291B 7/32 Solid Carbide Drill
5 in stock
7/32 1,3/4 3
291B 1/4 Solid Carbide Drill
1 in stock
1/4 2 3,1/4
291B 9/32 Solid Carbide Drill
2 in stock
9/32 2,1/8 3,1/2
291B 5/16 Solid Carbide Drill
4 in stock
5/16 2,3/8 3,3/4
291B Series drills may be supplied in wire gauge (number size) from Number 1 to 60, the quantity ordered determining the unit price.
For decimal and metric equivalents of wire gauge drills, please refer to our technical pages.

Special parallel shank drills in solid carbidie can be supplied to any diameter and length, the price depending upon the quantity ordered.
(Vey long drills in solid carbide are usually inappropriate, due to inherent fragility, Carbide-tipped should be considered)